• info@stbsysautomation.it
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+(39) 0773 562019

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  • Remote Support for Fault Resolution and Diagnostics

Remote Support for Fault Resolution and Diagnostics

Our remote support solution represents an innovative and timely approach to fault resolution and diagnostics. Through a secure connection and advanced communication technologies, our team of experts can provide immediate assistance anywhere in the world to resolve issues and conduct detailed diagnostics.

Key Features:

Secure Connection: We ensure a secure and encrypted remote connection, preserving information confidentiality and data security.

Real-Time Assistance: Our team can view the system interface in real-time, facilitating immediate diagnosis and efficient problem resolution.

Detailed Diagnostics: We use advanced tools to perform detailed diagnostics on systems, quickly identifying the causes of faults and proposing targeted solutions.

Interactive Collaboration: Our platform supports interactive collaboration, allowing on-site personnel to actively participate in problem resolution under the guidance of our experts.

Reduced Downtime: With remote access, we drastically reduce downtime, enabling rapid resumption of operations without prolonged interruptions.


Operational Efficiency: We resolve faults quickly and efficiently, maintaining operational continuity.

Reduced Costs: We minimize the costs associated with field interventions through remote solutions.

Global Availability: We provide support anywhere in the world, ensuring immediate assistance without geographical limitations.

Our remote support for fault resolution and diagnostics is designed to optimize the management of industrial plants, offering an agile and precise solution to address challenges in real-time.

Why choose us

Esperienza decennale

Nel campo dell’automazione da oltre un decennio, abbiamo potuto affrontato numerose sfide e trovato sempre la soluzione più adatta ai nostri clienti, ottenendo sempre feedback positivi.

Soluzioni Innovative

In STB Sys Automation, restiamo costantemente aggiornati sulle ultime novità in tema automazione industriale, grazie ai numerosi corsi di formazione a cui hanno accesso i membri del team.

Massima disponibilità ed assistenza da remoto

Forniamo un’assistenza completa ai nostri clienti, offrendo supporto costante, anche a distanza, per risolvere tempestivamente eventuali problemi.