• info@stbsysautomation.it
S.S. 148 Pontina Km.85,00

04016 - Sabaudia (LT) - Italia

+(39) 0773 562019

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Security Challenges and Solutions in Industrial Automation

Security is a critical priority in industrial automation, especially considering the increasing complexity of operations and the growing interconnectivity of industrial devices. In this article, we will delve deeper into the specific challenges related to security in automated industries and how STB SYS Automation leads with advanced solutions to ensure system protection against external threats

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The impact of iot technology in industrial automation

The Internet of Things (IoT) is significantly revolutionizing the industrial automation sector, opening new possibilities and perspectives for businesses. STB SYS Automation, a leader in industrial automation in Italy and Europe, is at the forefront of implementing this advanced technology to help clients achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and control. The Potential of IoT in

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